Updated Illinois kitchen exhaust fire code plus some common violations
The Illinois Fire Marshal is now using the 2021 edition of NFPA 96.
The Illinois Fire Marshal is now using the 2021 edition of NFPA 96.
If you can smell what people are cooking from the hallway, something may be wrong.
Balancing filter efficiency with energy efficiency and fresh air circulation is a tradeoff.
Leakage of 12,824 CFM was causing multiple problems which sealing the leaks solved.
The loose wire and puddle on the floor don’t know – or care – about your mask or vaccine.
Main point: Controlling air leakage is good for controlling disease spread as well as for energy savings.
Hinge kits and roof protection are good for your fan, safety, and of course your roof
Okay, it might snow today but we’re getting into late April, and a fluke cold snap isn’t going to cancel pollen season.
It’s not just about keeping the lint exhaust ducts clean (although that’s important!)
Strategies for improving air circulation to fight COVID-19 also save energy.
A few simple steps can reduce the risk of a fire.
As Illinois returns to “Tier 3 mitigation” restrictions, where can you go for current information and what can you do for your facility?
Don’t let buildup on coils make your system work harder.
This would seem to call for taking a look at your air filtration
We’ve been taking a lot of precautions to make sure we are not COVID-19 spreaders (or spreadees)
Nobody told them about the lockdown, so they showed up at your coils as usual (without masks!)
An EPA N List chemical with low risk and no residue
Different forms of the same chemical can be applied in ductwork or “fogged” in certain occupied spaces.
We have taken several measures to be sure that we work safely.
Paragraph 12(h) includes cleaning as a "Critical Trade" for servicing governmental and commercial properties.