Jack Burke
IL Secretary of State Office
"It's amazing what they can get through, it's just unbelieveable..."
Runtime: 0:28
Gary Curtin
Resurrection Hospital
"They seem to be able to take anything on..."
Runtime: 0:07
Stan Gorka
ITT Bell & Gosset
Airways always done good, solid and professional work..."
Runtime: 0:18
Jack Burke
IL Secretary of State Office
"They never left any mess anywhere..."
Runtime: 0:38
Brother Thomas Harding
Montini Cathoic H.S.
"They're very good about scheduling and timing so that its not disruptive..."
Runtime: 0:16
Brother Thomas Harding
Montini Cathoic H.S.
"They've done a terrific job and they've been able to solve the problem..."
Runtime: 0:23
Jack Burke
IL Secretary of State Office
"Everyone that came into our facilities was very professional..."
Runtime: 0:16