Case study: Airways uses Oxine® in a hospital kitchen to treat surfaces for SARS-CoV-2 virus

For many years, Airways has used Oxine® to disinfect air ducts after cleaning.  It dries with no residue and no rinsing required, and its SDS sheet shows a low-risk safety profile.  Now that it is on the EPA’s “N List” for chemicals that meet its criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, it is a useful weapon against the virus on hard surfaces.  

Last week we applied Oxine® in the kitchen and dining area of a local health care facility, after a thorough conventional cleaning.  A brief video of part of the application process shows that our equipment is able to get very good surface coverage.  We applied it to furniture, equipment, walls, and floors.

The surfaces dried by evaporation in less than an hour, and the spaces we treated were ready to be re-occupied, odor-free, and imposed no new PPE requirements on the occupants.  (Everyone in the facility is already wearing masks everywhere in the facility, of course.  When we reach the point that masks aren’t needed, this product won’t make anyone need them after it dries.)  

If you would like to learn more about this procedure, call your Airways representative or 630-595-4242.  Stay healthy!